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Individual help for sick, widows and orphans and not expanded redistribution of social state is the moral responsibility of each man. Globalization caused the growth of global welfare and the improvement of civilization indicators. Nonetheless many people, not because of own fault, are not adjusted to compete in globalization reality. If you think that it is necessary to level side effects of globalization you can join one of our charity project which has been held since the beginning of the existence of our Institute by writing at instytut@globalizacja.org Then we will give you the number of special account. 100% money from this account is spent on charity.


Our charity activity appears in the following fields:


Interest-free credits for entrepreneurs in Africa. Through the site www.kiva.org we offer low, interest-free credits for entrepreneurs from the poorest countries in the world for opening up own companies. This is one of the most effective ways of helping poor people which help them to control their own lives.


We support also Salesians Missions (Misje Salezjańskie). We are engaged in a project “Heart adoption” (“Adopcja serca”) www.adopcja.salezjanie.pl “Heart adoption” is about adopting from distance a group of children and financing their education on elementary and high school level. Often those children are homeless or orphans. Investing in education is often the only chance to stop vicious circle of poverty and perdition.


We also joined the Direct Help for Starveling in Poland (Akcja Bezpośredniej Pomocy Głodującym w Polsce) http://abpg.bloog.pl This is the only project in Poland that is free of any administrative costs. It is about direct help to families (with many children, widowed, chronically sick) in critical situation.