We realized over a dozen public policy projects in fields such as globalization, competitiveness, healthcare, protecting environment, energy, digitization, telecommunications, entrepreneurship, financial market and intellectual property.
We produced many reports, expertise, market researches and opinion polls, many of them were quoted by media. Opinion pools are undertaken for us by TNS OBOP.
We published over a dozen books and reports which can be bought in our e-bookstore.
Among our cyclical events there are Globalization Institute Breakfasts which are organized usually in Warsaw restaurant La Boheme in National Theatre. In June 2009 the 10th commemorative edition of this popular event took place.
Since 2008 we have been forming the Globalization Institute Ranking. This is an unique ranging gathering the fastest growing economies in the world. The ranking is different from the others, because it is created by comparing the most important economic indicators and not judgmentally like the others. The partner of the ranking is “Wprost” weekly.
Since 2010 we will be organizing Liberty English Camp. This is an international language camp where students learn the language together with deepening knowledge about economics.